Fast Building, Fast Recap

Post launch feedback :
After a very busy week, not enough sleep and too much coffee. There we are Adamantium and $adm tokens is live on the BNBchain sitting at a 900k Marketcap.
Let’s do a quick summary of what we did: after exploding in popularity, from 350 followers on twitter to 4000 followers within a week, receiving the feedback from our Peckshield Audit, which was one of the best contracts, as they said.
We went through the top tier KYC with the ObsidianCouncil and performing 4 different AMAs, you can find the audio of the one we did on our server here.
Wl Sale: Monday 11 April
We launched our Whitelist Presale with a slight delay of 2 hours because the site was asking users to download the application. This happened because the site was built in PREACT.
We thought users would appreciate this but since they did not, our devs worked hard to remove it as fast as possible. After this minor setback, the Presale worked perfectly and we managed to raise 460 $BNB with the help of our beloved Adamantems.
Public Sale: Tuesday 12 April
It was finally the day for our public presale on Pinksale with a cap of 300 $BNB, which was open to everyone. After we opened the publicsale, we reduced the Hardcap from 1250 $BNB to only 760 $BNB. It got filled pretty quick as the 300 $BNB cap was sold out in less then 3 Hours, thanks to you guys.
We officially launched the $ADM token at the end of the 24 hour period for Pinksale.
Launch Day: Wednesday 13 April
We rounded up 60% of what we raised in liquidity (~400$BNB) and burned it forever. Since then, the team did not take a single day off to deliver for you, those who trusted us.
Manual Rebase: Thursday 14 April
The day after launch, while Momo was working hard on marketing and booking some popular youtubers as: or
He hasn’t ceased to amaze us with the consistent marketing he’s capable of. We wanted to implement Chainlink Keepers to ensure everything goes smooth, when it comes to consistant rebases.
We implemented an external call function, and not an owner’s wallet or a script which would have the possibility to fail (which could’ve led to users missing out on rebases). To make this a bit more engaging for everyone, we explained on our discord how to manualy rebase, to try and beat the script for a chance at winning a prize.
Dashboard: Friday 15 April
We updated the website with a dashboard, on which features:
- Time until next rebase
- Holdings
- Next rebases Rewards / Daily Rewards
- Weekly Roi / Annual Roi
- Buy and Sell taxes
- $ADM Price / Marketcap
Burn: Saturday 16 April
Some of you had some concerns about an unlocked wallet holding 56% of the supply, the unlocked wallet held leftover tokens minted for the WL and public sale, since we lowered the Hard Cap some minted tokens were useless and were just sitting there.
After 4 days of intense work and sleepless nights, we decided to put the community’s concerns to rest & burned some of the leftover tokens (20,000,000 $ADM to be precise).
After this, some of you noticed a slight decrease in the rebase rewards, we spent the whole night looking for where it could come from.
Sustainability and Apy: Sunday 17 April
After a sleepless night with the entire team, we found where it came from. As we burned 30% of the supply, the protocol’s circulating supply became way lower than what it was to have an APY of 122,222%.
We immediately took action and wrote down a Medium article to explain where the contract error was located, even after multiple audits. We also explained how this APY reduction was indeed a blesssing in disguise for our protocol’s sustainability. You can read more about it in the link below.
Monday 18 April
We started our week with a meeting with the design team in charge of the protocol’s new logo and the re-vampimg of our website. After a long brainstorming session, the strategy to have a sustainable rebase token was born and the name: Crosschain Liquidity Acquisition Wagon (C.L.A.W) was coined. I began to write it down in a medium article to explain it’s purpose to our holders.
Meanwhile, Momo did an amazing job and planned a live AMA on twitter with James Pelton on Monday, April 25, as well as an AMA with ATLASisMe the next day while also delivering other youtube videos.
CLAW: Tuesday 19 April
We released the C.L.A.W, which is the strategy we will use to maximize our returns and acquire tokens as well, which will in turn, make our precious $ADM token even more sustainable. Read more about it here :
We had a succesful AMA With ATLASisMe where we explained in depth what’s coming next: CLAW’s first invesment, Adamantium Games and a Website V2. The audio recording is available in our discord in the #ama-recap channel.
Marketing: Wednesday 20 April
We had a long disscusion with CoinZilla, re-submitted the form for the AMA with The obsidian Council & we made contact with BSCscan to have an Adamantium banner displayed everywhere.
We also re-applied for CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, while Momo conclued 2 partnership on the long term with big youtubers. I can’t wait to reveal them to you. Our devs added the the number of $ADM tokens you have and the amout you gain at each rebase on the website.
Today: Thursday 21 April
Finally, here we are. While our devs are working on integrating some new features which will include: A swap interface, a chart, and a rebase button directly on our website. Meanwhile, Momo is benchmarking all the youtubers he can in order to handpick the best promoters for our protocol, our head Moderator , 0xAdamantium is proofreading my medium articles and animating the discord. We won’t stop until $ADM flip $BTC
What’s next:
- listing CG & CMC
- AMA with James Pelton on Twitter Spaces, Apr 25 3PM UTC
- AMA on Node Kingdom Discord Apr. 27th 2PM UTC
- Application for AMA with CRYPTONAIRZ & TheObsidianCouncil
- New logo Apr. 25th UTC
- Website re-design
- Rebase Button on Website
- Chainlink Keepers Implementation
It was Thebakedbot for today’s AdamanTimes with a recap of what we did from launch.
Adamantium Links
Telegram Chat Group :
Website :